Checking if a title's available at multiple libraries

If you've added multiple libraries in Libby, there are a few ways to see which of your saved libraries has the best availability for a title.

When browsing or searching your library

To manually check a title's availability at all of your saved libraries:

  1. Tap Search Search, in the navigation footer and run a search, or tap Library Library, in the navigation footer and select a list.
    Tip: When searching, turn on deep search to search across all your saved libraries. This can be helpful if you don't find what you're looking for in your initial search.
  2. Tap Title status: Available button or Title Status: Unavailable button next to a title to see its availability at all of your saved libraries.
  3. Tap a library in this list to borrow the title or place it on hold there.

When borrowing or placing a hold

You can also check a title's availability at all of your saved libraries as you borrow it or place it on hold. Here's how:

  1. Tap Borrow or Place Hold.
  2. On the confirmation screen, tap the library name.
  3. Select a different library in this list if you'd prefer to borrow or place a hold on the title from their collection instead.
  4. Tap Borrow or Place Hold.

Once you finish borrowing or placing a hold, select Keep Browsing to return to the collection you were previously viewing.