Suspending a hold

You can suspend a hold before it's ready for you to borrow.

Suspending a hold lets you move up a title's wait list without the title becoming available for you. If you reach #1 in line, you'll be in the first position to get the title once your suspension ends.

You may want to suspend a hold if you have too little time to read or too many titles in progress.

To suspend all your holds:

  1. Go to Shelf Shelf, in the navigation footer > Actions > Suspend All Holds.
  2. Use the slider to choose how long you'd like to suspend your holds.
    Tip: When you drag the slider to the right edge, tap the underlined 180 days for more options.
  3. Tap Update Holds.

To suspend a single hold:

  1. Tap Shelf Shelf, in the navigation footer.
  2. Tap Holds at the top of the screen.
    Shelf screen with holds highlighted
  3. Tap Manage Hold, then Suspend Hold.
  4. Use the slider to choose how long you'd like to suspend your hold.
    Tip: When you drag the slider to the right edge, tap the underlined 180 days for more options.
  5. Tap Suspend Hold.