Searching for titles

In Libby, you can search for a book title, author, narrator, subject, series name, award, publisher, or keyword.

To search for titles:

  1. Tap Search Search in the footer.
  2. Enter your search term in the search bar.
    Tip: To search for an exact phrase, put your search terms in quotation marks.
  3. Tap search, search, or Enter (depending on your device) to see all results, or tap a search suggestion.

Refining your search

To refine your search results:

  1. Tap open filters dialog above your results.
  2. Add a sort or filter, or adjust your search terms in the "Search Within Results" box.
    Tip: To search for an exact phrase, put your search terms in quotation marks.
  3. If you adjusted your search terms, tap Submit search button or press Enter on your keyboard.
  4. Tap Show Titles.